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Block themes offer numerous advantages, revolutionizing web design with their flexibility, user-friendly editing, and time efficiency. From seasoned developers to beginners, block themes democratize web design, making it accessible for all.

  • Run solr 8 on localhost only

    It is a bad practice to expose your solr instance to the public, your data could be manipulated or worse, deleted. Apart from blocking solr’s port 8983 using the firewall, it is also good practice to run solr on localhost only if the service that consumes solr services is running on the same host, eg…

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  • DSpace 7 UI Customization: Enable New Custom Theme

    Prerequisites Step 1: Copy custom theme and rename to a different name Step 2: Register the new theme as shown below in angular.json

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  • Migrate DSpace Items to Configurable Entities

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  • Install DSpace 7.6 on Ubuntu 22.04

    PREREQUISITES Update and upgrade packages sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

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  • DSpace 6.x Backup Guide with an Automation Script

    Making backups of your DSpace is an essential task to ensure that you can recover from any disaster that might occur, such as hardware failure or data corruption. This guide assumes a dspace 6.x or older setup. Here are the steps you can follow to perform a backup of the repository.

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  • Deploying a Django Application with MySQL, Gunicorn, and Nginx on Ubuntu 22.04 Server: A Comprehensive Guide

    In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of deploying a Django application using MySQL as the database backend, Gunicorn as the application server, and Nginx as the web server on an Ubuntu server. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting with Django, this step-by-step tutorial will equip you with the…

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  • Install Dspace 7.2 on Ubuntu 22.04

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  • DSpace mail.extraproperties working settings for gmail smtp

    mail.extraproperties = mail.smtp.socketFactory.port=465, \, \ mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback=false, \ mail.smtp.starttls.enable=true, \ mail.smtp.auth=true, \ mail.smtp.ssl.protocols=TLSv1.2, \

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  • Install OJS on Ubuntu 18.04

    Open Journal Systems (OJS) is a free open source software for managing and publishing scholarly journals. A single OJS installation can host multiple journals. It is written in PHP programming language and works with MySQL or PostgreSQL database and Apache2 or nginx web server. This post is a record of the process I went through…

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  • DSpace 6: Configure apache2 as reverse proxy in front of tomcat

    This post guides you how to configure apache2 to run as a reverse proxy for tomcat. The reason I personally use apache2 instead of directly exposing tomcat is because it becomes easy to install SSL certicates and automate their renewal. There could be other reasons.

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About Me

Emily Parker

Fashion is a distinctive and often constant trend in the style in which a person dresses. It is the prevailing styles in behaviour.

Journey of Ziri

New Block Theme



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